7pm Fridays: Round Robin Net

QST! LWHC holds a no-host Round Robin Net on Fridays at 7pm on our Rose Hill linked repeaters. A Round Robin is an informal net that the first station on frequency kicks off, building an initial list of interested stations.

Here's how it works (hopefully):

The first station then gives a short update and passes control to the second station on the list. The second station provides an update or comment and then passes control to the third station on the initial list. Repeat down the list, with the final station giving their report and then asking for additional stations to add to the list. Folks are also welcome to break in between reports to get added to the list. It is helpful if everyone keeps a list or at least remembers who they should pass control to after they have a turn.

Sometimes we have a question or a theme for the evening, but as it is loosely led and there is no official net control, it's up to those who show up to give it structure. The more experienced can guide the less experienced. It's an excellent opportunity to practice and stretch improvisational skills and learn how to deal with/avoid doubling and passing control to other hams. Join us!